HEADING THE SPACE SECURITY PANEL AT THE E-PARLIAMENT: Brief Summary for the Ideas Database on Space Security:

To be discussed and valorized by the eParliament's Expert and Legislators Panel on Space Security.


SPT-Space Preservation Treaty - Economy and Security for a New World Cooperative Space Age Industry: How to Transform the Obsolete War Economy into a Prosperous, Sustainable, Peaceful, World Cooperative New Energy & Space Exploration Economy


- Stop the escalation of weapons into that place above all our heads before it expands into outer space.

- Initiate a Treaty-Signing Process whereby a growing caucus of Individuals and small groups of Nation State Leaders Sign, Ratify & Promote The Space Preservation Treaty that will ban all space-based weapons and establish the Outer Space Peace-Keeping Agency with technology dedicated to monitor outer space to enforce the ban and to use that same technology to verify agreements on Earth.

- Transform space weapons R&D, testing and manufacturing into expanded, financially prosperous, technologically feasible, and socially responsible, space exploration with new energy spin-offs.

The Idea:

It is through the Space Preservation Treaty that we must, not just ban all space-based weapons, discarding and assuring less threats to our world but; we can begin a world change movement by an extense international cooperation for global peace, global security and global sustainable development. Redirecting the goals of the weapons and warfare economy, transforming the war industry into a new space age economy and industry that will, under international law, apply the diverse existing solutions to our diverse crisis, for the benefit of all Humanity and the protection of the environment; our home planet.

The Prevention of the weaponization of space, and the transformation of the war economy and industry into a space economy and industry will:

§ Free humans in all societies to live, work, and travel peacefully on earth and in space, instead of creating currently planned for imminent deployment of planned and future space-based weapons. We have only one chance in history to ban all space-based weapons.

§ Create a new global economic stimulus package based on the development of a whole new and exciting Space Age marketplace that will be established as humans officially acknowledge that we are evolving from being an earth-bound species that was limited by man-made and geographical boundaries as well as belief systems, into a space-bound species that is based on new knowledge and that has unlimited peace-based possibilities.

§ Create Space Age programs that will produce clean and safe New Energy and other needed technology, with an abundance of new products and services.


- ICIS: www.peaceinspace.com
- CCIS: www.peaceinspace.org
- NPAE: www.pazenelespacio.org
- How to ban Warfare and Weapons in Space - Create a Space Preservation Treaty Conference:
- More about the Space Preservation Treaty Signing-Conference:
- Treaty Comparison Charts:
- ACDN France, Space Preservation Treaty-Signing Conference:
- Petition Drive on Missile Defense & the Canada Space Preservation Act:
- Canada’s Foreign Minister Pierre Pettigrew hints at supporting a U.N. Space Preservation Treaty Conference: (English and French)
- Eisenhower Institute, New Frontiers in Space: http://www.eisenhowerinstitute.org/programs/globalpartnerships/fos/newfrontier/weapons.htm
- WEU Assembly:
- H.R. 2420 - Space Preservation Act 2005, US House of Representatives: